Level 5 Invis Watch +40% cloak duration +50% cloak regen rate set cloak is feign death (1) -50% cloak meter when Feign Death is activated Attrib_NoCloakFromAmmo
( Not Tradable or Marketable )
The Dead Ringer
Level 5 Invis Watch +40% cloak duration +50% cloak regen rate set cloak is feign death (1) -50% cloak meter when Feign Death is activated Attrib_NoCloakFromAmmo
( Not Usable in Crafting )
The Killing Gloves of Boxing
Level 7 Boxing Gloves On Kill: 5 seconds of 100% critical chance -20% slower firing speed
( Not Tradable or Marketable )
The Backburner
Level 10 Flame Thrower flame_spread_degree (2.8) Extinguishing teammates restores 20 health 100% critical hits from behind +150% airblast cost
Level 5 Minigun On Hit: 100% chance to slow target -20% damage resistance when below 50% health and spun up -25% damage penalty 30% slower spin up time
( Not Tradable or Marketable )
The Buff Banner
Level 5 Battle Banner
( Not Tradable or Marketable )
The Scottish Resistance
Level 5 Stickybomb Launcher +25% faster firing speed Detonates stickybombs near the crosshair and directly under your feet Able to destroy enemy stickybombs +50% max secondary ammo on wearer +6 max stickybombs out 0.8 sec slower bomb arm time
( Not Tradable or Marketable )
The Eyelander
Level 5 Sword is_a_sword (72) No random critical hits -25 max health on wearer
( Not Tradable or Marketable )
The Blutsauger
Level 5 Syringe Gun On Hit: Gain up to +3 health -2 health regenerated per second on wearer
( Not Tradable or Marketable )
The Razorback
Level 10 Shield Blocks a single backstab attempt -100% maximum overheal on wearer
( Not Tradable or Marketable )
The Gunslinger
Level 15 Robot Arm Third successful punch in a row always crits +25 max health on wearer Sentry build speed increased by 150% Replaces the Sentry with a Mini-Sentry No random critical hits
( Not Tradable or Marketable )
"Super Bill"
Level 10 Hat "The best hat in game" #Attrib_MakersMark
( Not Tradable or Marketable )
Strange Spirit of Giving
%s7Strange%s6 Badge - %s5: 3
( Not Tradable or Marketable )
The Candy Cane
Level 25 Bat On Kill: A small health pack is dropped 25% explosive damage vulnerability on wearer
The Wrangler
Level 5 Laser Pointer
The Bushwacka
Level 5 Kukri Crits whenever it would normally mini-crit When weapon is active: 20% damage vulnerability on wearer No random critical hits
The Short Circuit
Level 5 Robot Arm Alt-Fire: Launches a projectile-consuming energy ball. Costs 65 metal. No reload necessary Per Shot: -5 ammo Uses metal for ammo No random critical hits