Level 10 Scattergun 25% faster reload time +50% faster firing speed On Hit: Builds Hype -66% clip size
( Not Tradable or Marketable )
Level 5 Tool
( Not Tradable or Marketable )
The Gunslinger
Level 15 Robot Arm Third successful punch in a row always crits +25 max health on wearer Sentry build speed increased by 150% Replaces the Sentry with a Mini-Sentry No random critical hits
( Not Tradable or Marketable )
The Cloak and Dagger
Level 5 Invis Watch +100% cloak regen rate set cloak is movement based (2) No cloak meter from ammo boxes when invisible -35% cloak meter from ammo boxes
( Not Tradable or Marketable )
Level 5 Minigun On Hit: 100% chance to slow target -20% damage resistance when below 50% health and spun up -25% damage penalty 30% slower spin up time