Level 100 Gas-Like Substance Gas meter builds with damage done and/or time Spawning and resupply do not affect the Gas meter Gas meter starts empty
( Not Tradable or Marketable, Not Usable in Crafting )
Winter 2017 Cosmetic Case
Level 1 Supply Crate Crate Series #117
Ali Baba's Wee Booties
Level 10 Boots +200% increase in turning control while charging Melee kills refill 25% of your charge meter +10% faster move speed on wearer (shield required) +25 max health on wearer
Baby Face's Blaster
Level 10 Scattergun boost on damage (1) 10% slower move speed on wearer Boost reduced on air jumps Boost reduced when hit -34% clip size
The Force-A-Nature
Level 10 Scattergun Knockback on the target and shooter +50% faster firing speed +20% bullets per shot -66% clip size -10% damage penalty
( Not Usable in Crafting )
The Man in Slacks
Level 35 Apparel
The Bushwacka
Level 5 Kukri Crits whenever it would normally mini-crit When weapon is active: 20% damage vulnerability on wearer No random critical hits
The Gunboats
Level 10 Boots -60% blast damage from rocket jumps
The Degreaser
Level 10 Flame Thrower flame_spread_degree (2.8) Extinguishing teammates restores 20 health This weapon deploys 60% faster This weapon holsters 30% faster -66% afterburn damage penalty +25% airblast cost
The Half-Zatoichi
Level 5 Katana Gain 50% of base health on kill is_a_sword (72) Honorbound: Once drawn sheathing deals 50 damage to yourself unless it kills No random critical hits
Winter 2017 Cosmetic Case
Level 1 Supply Crate Crate Series #117
The Gunslinger
Level 15 Robot Arm Third successful punch in a row always crits +25 max health on wearer Sentry build speed increased by 150% Replaces the Sentry with a Mini-Sentry No random critical hits
Winter 2017 Cosmetic Case
Level 1 Supply Crate Crate Series #117
The Classic
Level 5 Sniper Rifle Charge and fire shots independent of zoom -10% damage on body shot No headshots when not fully charged
Level 5 Golf Club is_a_sword (72) -25 max health on wearer No random critical hits
The Thermal Thruster
Level 61 Rocket Pack Push enemies back when you land (force and radius based on velocity) holster_anim_time (0.8)
( Not Tradable or Marketable )
The Wrangler
Level 5 Laser Pointer
The Persian Persuader
Level 10 Sword Ammo boxes collected also refill your charge meter Melee hits refill 20% of your charge meter is_a_sword (72) -80% max primary ammo on wearer -80% max secondary ammo on wearer No random critical hits
The Eureka Effect
Level 20 Wrench Press your reload key to choose to teleport to spawn or your exit teleporter -50% metal cost when constructing or upgrading teleporters Construction hit speed boost decreased by 50% 20% less metal from pickups and dispensers
The Holiday Punch
Level 10 Fists Critical hit forces victim to laugh Always critical hit from behind On Hit: Force enemies to laugh who are also wearing this item Critical hits do no damage
The Dead Ringer
Level 5 Invis Watch +40% cloak duration +50% cloak regen rate set cloak is feign death (1) -50% cloak meter when Feign Death is activated Attrib_NoCloakFromAmmo
The Necro Smasher
Level 50 Hammer
( Not Tradable or Marketable )
Strange Spirit of Giving
%s7Strange%s6 Badge - %s5: 0
( Not Tradable or Marketable )
The Dead Ringer
Level 5 Invis Watch +40% cloak duration +50% cloak regen rate set cloak is feign death (1) -50% cloak meter when Feign Death is activated Attrib_NoCloakFromAmmo
Quality 15 Air Strike
Level 99 Rocket Launcher -15% blast damage from rocket jumps Increased attack speed and smaller blast radius while blast jumping Clip size increased on kill paintkit_proto_def_index (391) -10% explosion radius -15% damage penalty
( Not Tradable or Marketable )
The Eyeborg
Level 53 Cosmetic Augmentation
( Not Tradable or Marketable, Not Usable in Crafting )
The Claws and Infect
Level 47 Costume Piece
( Not Tradable or Marketable, Not Usable in Crafting )
Haunted Scaly Scrapers
Level 87 Costume Piece
( Not Tradable or Marketable, Not Usable in Crafting )
Civilian Grade JACK Hat
Level 50 Hat
( Not Tradable or Marketable )
Party Hat
Level 10 Hat "a"
( Not Tradable or Marketable )
PASS Time Miniature Half JACK
Level 50 Pin
( Not Tradable or Marketable )
Level 50 Hat
( Not Tradable or Marketable )
Soul Gargoyle
Level 47 Tool
( Not Tradable or Marketable, Not Usable in Crafting )
Mann Co. Cap
Level 10 Hat
( Not Tradable or Marketable, Not Usable in Crafting )