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Participating Servers

The following servers send player backpacks to TF2Items.com. When a player joins any of these servers, his or her backpack will be updated on this site. This is a temporary way of getting player backpacks displaying. The old interface that was being used to get player's backpacks no longer works after the crafting update. Eventually, Valve will provide a new interface for accessing player items and the servers will no longer be needed to send that data.

Join any of the following servers to update your backpack on TF2Items.com:


IP Name Max Players
tf2valvemaps.sourceop.com SourceOP.com TF2 [VALVE MAPS] [NO MODS] 32
tf22fortinstant.sourceop.com SourceOP.com TF2 24/7 2fort [INSTANT RESPAWN] 32
tf22fortnomods.sourceop.com SourceOP.com TF2 24/7 2fort [NO MODS] [NO BS] 32
tf2valvemaps2.sourceop.com SourceOP.com TF2 [VALVE MAPS #2] [NO MODS] 32
tf2goldrush.sourceop.com SourceOP.com TF2 24/7 Goldrush [NO MODS] 32
tf2arena.sourceop.com SourceOP.com TF2 [ARENA MAPS] [NO MODS] 24
tf2custom.sourceop.com SourceOP.com TF2 [CUSTOM MAPS] [NO MODS] 32
tf2nocrits.sourceop.com SourceOP.com TF2 Pro Rotation [NO CRITS] 24


IP Name Max Players
tf.voogru.net voogru.com, Crazy House! (Real Players!) 32
tf2.voogru.net voogru.com, Insanity House! (Fast Respawn) 32
tf3.voogru.net voogru.com, 24/7 TF2 Dodge Ball 32
tf4.voogru.net voogru.com, House of Death (NO MODS) 24
tf5.voogru.net voogru.com, 24/7 TF2 Speed Dodge Ball 32

Nemu / DoubleZen.net

IP Name Max Players
tf1.game.doublezen.net 24/7 Dustbowl :: Nemu's Stomping Ground 32
tf2.game.doublezen.net 24/7 Goldrush :: Nemu's Proving Ground 32
tf3.game.doublezen.net Valve Maps Rotation :: Nemu's Battleground 32


IP Name Max Players Fragmasters.co.uk [ TF2 London Galore ] 32

Created by: Tony "Drunken F00l" Paloma from SourceOP.com
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