Level 50 Shield Immune to the effects of afterburn +50% fire damage resistance on wearer +25 max health on wearer +15% bullet damage resistance on wearer 20% explosive damage vulnerability on wearer ★ Unusual Effect: Community Sparkle
Item Definition Index: 231
Item ID: 143015056
Original ID: Same
Origin: Claims to be "Timed Drop," but can't be sure
Note: Dates acquired and deleted refer to the time that TF2Items.com discovered the item inside of or missing from the player's backpack. Only players that have had their backpack viewed on TF2Items.com and have public profiles have been included in the search.
Self-Made Darwin's Danger Shield (equipped)
Level 50 Shield +25 max health on wearer +15% bullet damage resistance on wearer 20% explosive damage vulnerability on wearer ★ Unusual Effect: Community Sparkle
Created by: Tony "Drunken F00l" Paloma from SourceOP.com
Page generation time: 1.3208sec